Hyaluronic Acid

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Dr. Oscar Mayorga explains the procedure followed in facial fillers with Hyaluronic Acid for lips, cheeks, under-eye circles, and chin at RegenBiocell Clinic in Albir.

Hyaluronic Acid is one of the natural components of our skin, currently used in aesthetic medicine to reduce facial wrinkles and reshape them.

Here you will find its aesthetic indications, usual treatment methods, and their consequences.

What is Hyaluronic Acid used for in aesthetic medicine?

Hyaluronic Acid attracts water like a sponge and thus contributes to skin hydration.

It has been used as a perfectly tolerated and absorbable filler implant in the treatment of facial and neck wrinkles for over 20 years.

Once the product is precisely injected into the wrinkles to be treated, the product will correct and reduce wrinkles.

It can also modify volumes, as the appearance of thicker and more concentrated Hyaluronic Acids, especially designed for reshaping or increasing volume.

In principle, testing is not necessary because it is not an allergenic substance. Nowadays, good products are very pure, and allergies are very rare.

Different laboratories now offer many variations of the product, at different concentrations and viscosities, which can be adapted to different indications (facial volume reshaping, smoothing of fine wrinkles, or revitalization and rehydration of the skin) but also to different skin types.

Hyaluronic Acid: wrinkle filler - lip, cheek, and chin augmentation
Wrinkle filling: cheeks, forehead, crow's feet

- To fill or smooth out a wrinkle, the injection is very superficial (1 to 2 mm) and therefore, it is carried out with a very fine needle that allows the immediate elimination of wrinkles and grooves, without overcorrection, with visible immediate results.

- The physician must be able to vary the depth of product implantation to achieve the desired effect (smoothing a superficial wrinkle, filling a deep wrinkle or groove...). The physician's experience makes a difference in the results obtained with Hyaluronic Acid injection.

- An additional session may be necessary after 3 to 6 weeks, especially if this is the first time the area has been treated.

The areas that best respond or are most affected by this type of injection are:

- Nasolabial folds (on each side of the mouth).

- Upper lip wrinkles.

- Bitterness wrinkles (from the corners of the mouth downwards).

- Yugal wrinkles (vertical in the middle of the cheeks).

- Lion's wrinkles between the eyebrows.

- Crow's feet wrinkles (if they are deep).

In theory, any rupture that forms wrinkles in the dermis can be filled with Hyaluronic Acid.

However, very fine wrinkles under the lower eyelids (suborbital) are not corrected by injection fillers because the skin is too thin to integrate a product thick enough to last over time.

Likewise, cheek skin that is completely discolored and speckled with fine lines is usually not treated with filler injections, regardless of the injected product.

Volume reshaping: lip or cheek augmentation, chin augmentation

- To restore lost volumes in the face, the physician will more easily use a foam-tipped needle (microcannula) to avoid bruising.

- In fact, injections are, in this case, deeper, and the risk of bruising is higher with conventional needles.

- Generally, larger amounts of concentrated Hyaluronic Acid are required, making the cost higher.

Then we can routinely do it for the following areas:

- Lining the lips and filling the mouth again (lip augmentation and filling).

- Filling the cheeks or cheekbones.

- Correcting the nose or chin.

- Fill in temples that are too hollow.

- Fill in under-eye circles, etc.

Correction of under-eye circles with Hyaluronic Acid

There are many factors that can lead to having bags under the eyes or dark circles: lack of sleep, fluid retention, as well as the aging process that causes a loss of fat in the face are some of the triggers that lead to under-eye circles.

Many patients are asking for a non-invasive treatment that can eliminate under-eye circles.

These are characterized by a sunken area below the lower eyelid and a slightly darker color of the skin in this area, resulting in a tired appearance. Under-eye filler treatments with Hyaluronic Acid or the patient's own fat restore volume and a more youthful appearance.

What are the benefits of Hyaluronic Acid?

- The product is almost "natural" because it is identical to that of the human body.

- The effect of the filling injection is immediate.

- There are few or no unpleasant consequences. If the doctor is gentle, bruises or discoloration are rare.

- Hyaluronic Acid is not allergenic, so it is not necessary to test the product before the injection session.

How long do the results last?

It is good to repeat the wrinkle filler injection within a period of six to nine months, sometimes less in the first sessions.

Preferably, we do not wait for the wrinkles or furrows to reappear completely, but try to preserve the results.

Products used to reshape volumes (cheeks, temples, lips, nose correction, deep furrows...) last longer: 12 to 18 months depending on the person and products used.

What are the side effects of facial fillers?

Redness and swelling of the small wrinkles treated may be observed (depending on the skin) and persist from a few hours to a few days after injection.

Hyaluronic Acid is absorbed more or less quickly and requires regular sessions, but in general, the effect is maintained better with each session. Sometimes, a fine cord can be felt in the trajectory of the surface wrinkles treated (especially in thin skin).

It disappears in a few days, unless the doctor has injected too much (overcorrection) or if the skin reacts too strongly to certain products. In this case, this product must be dissolved.

Severe side effects are very rare with good Hyaluronic Acid products available today for doctors. We could exceptionally see:

- Itching for a few weeks.

- Blue cords.

- Granulomas (hardening, swelling, and local redness).

These effects are normally reversible. It is possible to quickly dissolve the implanted Hyaluronic Acid by injecting a specific product: hyaluronidase.

Are you thinking of using facial and/or neck beauty treatments?

Please note that Hyaluronic Acid injection is not the only existing treatment.

Existen otros tipos de inyecciones, absorbibles o no, los neoromoduladores se utilizan con frecuencia, los tratamientos con láser y las exfoliaciones, etc

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